I haven't updated my blog for a while only because I have been extremely busy. In the past 4 weeks alone, I was in Bali, KL, Sydney, and today flying to Bangkok for work.
For the first time in my life, I seriously wish to cut all the business traveling, and try to cut my trips as short as I can so that I can spend as much time in HK as possible. Also for the first time in my life, I managed to cut the amount of drama in my life to zero, appreciate the comfort of stability, and allow myself to be loved and cherished.
I have to rush to my dragonboat practice now, so I have to make this short. I just want you all NOT to worry about me, because I am truly happy now. I really really am. I appreciate everything I have now and I will do my best to stay happy and keep things simple. A good friend read my blog finally and felt heavy-hearted knowing the emotional journey I had gone through in the past year. Things happen for a reason. Without the drama, I wouldn't have learned to appreciate happiness coming from stability and simplicity. I wouldn't have known that stability and simplicity did not necessarily mean boredom, lack of passion. I'm in a happy relationship with a "nice guy" and we make each other laugh all the time. :) He takes good care of me, makes me his priority, and vice versa.
As I predicted, there is still tons of wonderful things waiting for me in life. I'm experiencing one of them.