Sunday, February 17, 2008


My dear,

I feel very sorry for you. I tried not to feel sorry, because that would make you feel even sorrier - but I have to admit I really feel very bad for you, knowing the rollercoaster you've been through, the immense pain you must be feeling right now, the doubts you may have about yourself, your dreams, your faith, your beliefs.

Allow yourself to feel all the emotions you are feeling right now, but I beg you not to allow yourself to drown in these emotions. Look around you. There are people who truly care about you, and there are more of these people whom you haven't had a chance to meet yet. You know that your life does NOT end here, there are tons of wonderful things waiting for you out there!

Yes, I know someone failed you, someone you really loved and wanted a future with. I know what you've given were real feelings, real emotions, real self, real love - but what you received was only real in that particular moment. I know you truly thought all that would last - but it didn't, it melted like cotton candy and it's the cruel truth you have to accept. All those memories meant a great deal to you, enough for you to believe the significance of that person in your life, that it was no coincidence you met - but if the other person does not have the same belief, it is useless how hopeful, how determined you are to create a future.

I look forward to seeing your smile again, your chuckles, your silliness, your mischievous deeds. Soon, you will love yourself again, and allow others to love you. In 2 months your summer will start again! How lovely!

Take care. Muitos muitos abraços fortes, beijos, e carinhos!

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