Havaianas collection

My DVD collection. Just clicked into it (by the way, resolution is poor as I took it with phone's camera) and saw this DVD which I should've returned to the owner months ago. Oh well, too late.

Kate Spade shades.

My many beautiful pictures... (I mean the beautiful pictures I took, not necessarily of me!)

Painting from Rio framed beautifully and now hanging on my living room wall. Saudade!

Evita hairclips I keep losing when I go swimming in the sea.

These are only a few of my many vases in the apartment.

Cartier pen I received last year as a gift. I carry it with me in my purse everywhere I go.

My other jewelry/ accessory collection.

These brushed wood picture frames I got from a Bangkok night market.

This mirror I carried all the way back from Bangkok. Also from the same night market.

My custom-made pretty dresses

My wicker chair

Bottle of nice cachaca.

White TV.

Super heavy, but white, Sony VAIO laptop.

Watch I now wear everyday.
My favourite rock (a souvenir) from New York I no longer travel with or even touch, and my favourite bracelet (wrist strap) I no longer own.
1 comment:
I believe a couple of those DVDs are mine... :P
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