Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It is so much work to move to a new flat!
Ordering new furniture and curtains;
Making arrangements with moving company;
Arranging all the deliveries and assembling (plant, furniture, TV, curtains)
Finding the right TV (a white Samsung LCD);
Framing a painting;
Thinking of pictures I can put up;
Packing smartly;
Getting rid of things I haven't been using for a long time;
Calling up PCCW to take their Now TV machine back (no need for sports channel since I no longer have a soccer/NBA/tennis crazy boyfriend to please haha);
Buying new plant since my living room is soooooo white;
Buying new cushions to add color and for guests to sit on;
Thinking where to put what in the new flat to optimize space.....

Well, it's my fault. I like to make my flat close to perfect the day I move in, so I have to cramp all the deliveries and assembling within 12 hours, and unpack for 6 hours. Am glad I can do all this without a guy! (Except Stephen who needs to help me set up my TV and DVD, and drill hole in the wall so I can hang the painting)

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