Monday, November 26, 2007

Family Gathering (Aug 19, 07)

Finally met up with my parents and my aunt today. I had a really lovely time with them. I am glad I finally laughed again (it had been days, except for yesterday's dinner) seeing my mom and her twin sister (who just arrived from Toronto) together.

My Aunt Maggie had always been the more proper, diplomatic, composed twin. My mom had always been the silly, bubbly, cheerful one. Today though, when I saw my aunt, she became just like my mom - making jokes, giggling, hopping around......... haha!! She was really excited to be in HK, and was telling us about my cousin's engagement and her dance partners in Toronto. She was speaking louder than she normally did, because she was excited, and when my mom spoke, my aunt whispered "shhhhhhhhhh stop screaming!!" My mom went,"you were the one screaming and you are shushing me!!!" We all laughed.

My aunt and my mom had always shared a strong resemblance - afterall they are twins. Though, this time when I saw them together again, they looked really really similar! Especially with my mom having lost 15 pounds, and my aunt becoming more bubbly....... I was looking at the art gallery brochures and asking my mom to take Aunt Maggie there, when I realized it was Aunt Maggie standing next to me not my mom! In fact, I looked at her for 2 seconds, before I could confirm it was my aunt indeed. Ha..................

Was also funny that when I arrived home, my mom said to Aunt Maggie,"Look, Maggie! Cindy has become so much prettier!" I was like,"no la... no la....!"

Was worth the 3-hour round-trip journey visiting them. :)

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