Monday, November 26, 2007

New Home (Nov 22, 07)

Each day I enter and leave my flat, I miss it more. I have up to one month to find a new home and I know I can't delay the inevitable. Yes, it makes me sad knowing we have to part anytime within a week, two weeks, or a month - yet part of me is also looking forward to a new home, hoping it will be a happy beginning.....

When am I going to find it?
Where is it going to be?
Further up the slope or down?
Closer to the main street or further away?
Will it bright and airy?
Nice and cheerful?
Will I be able to see the clear blue sky on a beautiful Sunday morning?
Will I be able to see the stars at night..... The puppy star? The wormy wriggly star?
Will I be able to see the full moon?

Will it be so cozy I can pass out in bed the whole weekend without feeling guilty?
Will I be able to wake up in the morning hearing birds singing?
Will the shower temperature be just warm enough for winter, cool enough for summer?
Will the kitchen counter be big enough for me to make a messy caipirinha?
Will the living room be long enough for me to do my ballet twirls, and, (ha!) 5Rs?
And the sun!!!!! Will there be so much sunlight I can get a tan lying on the floor?


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