Monday, November 26, 2007

The invisible (Nov 22, 07)

I never quite understand friends or lovers who think they can just disappear from your life and then suddenly re-appear, like you wouldn't notice. Sort of like kids skipping class, hoping the teacher wouldn't notice a student missing. (Sure I've disappeared on people before, but those were mostly jerks so that didn't count!) I mean, they just re-appear...sneak back into the room... and go "hey plans for dinner?" like nothing happened. Excuse me, but ... where were you when I was in the emergency room, my car broke down, boyfriend left me, dog ran away, flat got flooded? Or when I won the lottery, had my birthday, a new home, a promotion? Or when the sky was blue, sun was shining? Where the hell were you?

Phewwwwwwww out of my system! Gnite!

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