Monday, November 26, 2007

I-Deserve (Nov 13, 2007)

Have been reading this book Anatomy of Peace and been thinking a lot about my way of being.

For years I have had this mentality that I deserved good things to happen to me. Why? 'Cos I was nice, caring, genuine, pleasant-looking, educated, not stupid, multi-lingual, competent, presentable, down-to-earth..... In other words, 'cos I had a lot of nice qualities! When I was reading that book, I came to the realization that believing that I deserved good things to happen to me implied that people with fewer good qualities or who were less priviledged deserved less than I did! That was such a horrible mentality, and has caused me so much disappointment throughout my life when things I felt I deserved did not happen.

This is not to say that I should just settle for whatever I can get, but that I should not having the mentality that I am entitled to all these things that I want. I can still want a lot of things and pursue them and hope that they will happen - but if they don't, at least I won't feel that life is treating me unfairly.

And I still want:

A nice comfortable home;
A job that sufficiently challenges me and allows me to perform;
A lot of happiness and things to be happy about;
True friends who will always stick around through thick and thin;
A very special person to share my daily life with, (spoil me rotten!!) bringing sunshine, music and color to my world and allowing me to reciprocate.

Believe it or not, the slight adjustment of mentality makes a world of difference.

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